
Get Organised with d.lance Freelance Database

A successful freelancer is only as good as their chase-ups. And if you`re sending out enough pitches to give yourself a real chance of publication, the business of keeping track of who has seen what quickly becomes complicated.

d.lance is a database specifically designed for professional freelance writers to log and keep track of their pitches. The system:

* Logs and keeps track of your pitches by editor
* Generates a list of which editors are due chase ups
* Keeps a record of which editor has historically received which ideas
* Files your pitches in an easily searchable format for easy access and resending
* Files your articles once they`ve been written and...
* Generates automatic invoices which are sent by email to the relevant editor

Download d.lance Here

Other Database Resources

MicrosoftAccess: Limited but useful database building facilities for the first-timer

Filemaker: More thorough facilities than Access to build your own

MySQL: Comprehensive web-based system best suited to those with programming experience.